The Brandon Camera Club meets on both the Zoom platform and at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba (with Zoom) on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from September thru June. The location is part of the Events page listing.
Monthly outings are planned, as well as social times following some of the outings. Outings provide an opportunity to put to use the things we have learned, as well as to learn even more on these field trips.
The Club is always open to new (and not-so-new) photographers of any interest and skill level. We offer a friendly and inviting atmosphere to learn, enjoy and share in.
Droplet Refraction by Pat Stone.jpg
Guest and in-house presenters will take you through places you never even thought of and will leave you inspired and ready to grab that camera!
You get all this and more for the low yearly fee of only $40.00. To join the club see the Membership page for more information.
Brandon Camera Club can also be found on Facebook.Click here to go to our page.