Brandon Camera Club Photos

Saying the Most with the Least

Broken Tree by Jim Atkinson

Broken Tree
by Jim Atkinson

Dragonfly by Liz Hextall

by Liz Hextall

Drop in Time by Pat Stone

Drop in Time
by Pat Stone

Fishing Alone by Andrew March

Fishing Alone
by Andrew March

I Want to Colour by Marlene Smith

I Want to Colour
by Marlene Smith

Lone Tree by Lynne Alexander

Lone Tree
by Lynne Alexander

Shaved Ice by Dustin Glaseman

Shaved Ice
by Dustin Glaseman

Shoe by Alleesha Del Macdonald

by Alleesha Del Macdonald

Snow Owl by Steve Tugwell

Snow Owl
by Steve Tugwell

Snowbirds by Stino Scaletta

by Stino Scaletta

Tree in Snowy Fog by Doug Derksen

Tree in Snowy Fog
by Doug Derksen

Weeds in Early Morning Fog by Darlene Perkin

Weeds in Early Morning Fog
by Darlene Perkin